Video / The HRNC stand hosted a moment of historical testimony “magic and wealth” of Amazigh poetry On Friday June 9

The HRNC stand at the International Book Fair 28th edition organized last Friday, June 9, 2023 in its last programming of its eighth day of activities the presentation of poetic and artistic expressions of three Amazigh poets.

Mr. Brahim El Mazned, expert at UNESCO in cultural politics and creative industries, has declared to Article19 mic: “In this session devoted to Amazigh poetry, three poets were invited to take part: Fadma Oult Hdidou, poet from Ain Leuh in the Middle Atlas; Mohamed Boumkousi from Nador of the Rif area; and Mohamed Ougrar, from the Souss area”.

The moderator of this event has drawn attention of the audience on the fact that: “It’s a moment that will be dedicated to Amazigh language discourse, and will be interspersed with flute music interpreted by artist Rachid Zeroual”.

Almost a story of renaissance

On Friday morning, the HRNC stand invited Khaoula Assebab Benomar, journalist, producer and writer to present her first book “Almost, a story of renaissance”. The novel tells the story of the emancipation of a woman called Yto, who frees herself from chains under the pretext of endless journey. Khaoula Assebab Benomar has disclosed that: “my book concerns essentially relationships between human being, and I take as a pretext Yto and her story to tell things about our society, relations with maternity, with children, with marriage and with the position of each one in this society”.

It’s a question Yto is asking herself about if she has really lived her life? And that what she has learned was it a good choice? Adding that “this book echoes her entire life and what she is doing on daily basis”.

“By God, this story is my story”

The HRNC stand has had the honor to present prominent Moroccan writer, Mr. Abdelfattah Kilito, expert in ancient Arab literature and professor at the Rabat Faculty of Letters. Professor Kilito has taught in Paris, in the U.S. at the prestigious universities of Princeton and Harvard. He has presented his latest publication “By God, this story is my story”. This book is devoted to stories told in “The thousand and one nights”; and its title is a French translation from a quote of Shahrayar to Shahrazad in a rare edition of the one thousand one nights”.

This novel is written at the beginning in French, then in Arabic, and whose author Mr. Kilito has asserted that “I have had the idea to write a book which kills the reader”.

In this book, the author highlights “the cursed book” of Abu Hayyan Attawhidi, “satire of two ministers”, which impacts authors and contemporary readers, creating problems to any person who reads it, “going from tiny disagreement to a disgraceful death”.

HRNC President Mrs. Amina Bouayach has been present during the discussion of professor Kilito’s fourth book and of the presentation by Mr. Abdellatif Miraoui, Moroccan Minister of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation.