Video / HRNC stand discussed the topic « youth and civic initiatives »

The Human Rights National Council/HRNC stand on the 7th day of the international book fair 28th edition has discussed the topic “Youth and civic initiatives”.

Social entrepreneur, Mr. Yassine Ettayal, who was the moderator of that debate, has declared to Article that: “Today, I am running a panel of 100% of young people, we are going to present three initiatives on education called EDUCALL, on environment protection called SHEMS which provides power for vulnerable communities and “citizen office held by IDI initiative”.

Mehdi Raiss, CEO of the initiative for social innovative and development enterprise/IDI has testified: “We are here to share our civic initiative which remains a new brand in the Moroccan Kingdom and has as an essential objective to implement participative democracy at the level of Morocco’s territory communes, and also at the level of African territories commune and MENA as well”.

“Our citizen office” is based on three major points”, added Mr. Mehdi Raiss: “First to make easier access to information, then to favor citizen participation and finally citizen participation in the strict meaning of the term”.

Separation of dreams

The HRNC has invited novelist and essayist Jeanne Fouvet-Fouvernier to present her first novel entitled “separation of dreams”. In her statement, she has declared that “My novel talks about bad treatment afflicted to childhood within the framework of a family and at school as well, and shows at which point collective story could determine individuals”. Adding that “my book attempts to provide tools for everyone who could try to escape what we could call “contrary fate”.

“Remembrance of a memorial in Venice”

The HRNC stand has also invited Mr. Khalid Lyamlahy, lecturer in French Literature at the Chicago University, the U.S. who has presented his book entitled “Remembrance of a memorial in Venice”.

Khalid Lyamlahy’s novel tells the story of a refugee from Gambia, called Pateh Sabally, who was drowned in the big canal of Venice in 2017 under the eyes and insults of some passers-by.

The French Lit. Maghreb researcher has stated: “My novel is at the same time an investigation work, but also paying tribute to that refugee and through him to all refugees particularly Africans who come to die in Europe far from their native lands”.

As a reminder, the HRNC stand will continue its activities at the International Book Fair 2023 edition until Sunday, June 11, 2023.

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