The National Council for Human Rights (CNDH) began its activities at its booth at the 28th edition of the International Book and Publishing Fair (SIEL) under the theme “30 universal commitments for human dignity”.
On this occasion, Mustapha Najmi, Director of Human Rights Promotion at the CNDH, explained in an exclusive statement to that: “The booth is an open and inclusive space, with a number of activities focused on key issues that form the core of the Council’s advocacy work.”
CNDH offers a range of activities for the benefit of more than «250 children from all regions of Morocco, and will invite throughout the 10 days of activity, 95 personalities of the world of culture, experts, writers and artists, and will organize 11 round tables that will deal with various themes», he also said.
+ “Presentation of the book: The internship…” +
The first book presented by the Council’s stand was that of Dr. Ilham Azghari, a doctor specializing in gastroenterology, former intern of the Ibn Sina University Hospital in Rabat and hospitals in France presented his book L’internat. Pieces of life behind the scenes of the CHU Ibn Sina».
Springing from the emergency room of the Ibn Sina Hospital in Rabat, «The Boarding School» is a story that traces the journey of a young doctor during her years of boarding school, under the aegis of a home and a slogan that lived in her heart.
Dr. Ilham Azghari said in an interview that “Today I have the honour and pleasure of presenting my book at the CNDH booth on its first day,” the interest of writing this book for the young doctor is Ten years ago, I was a medical intern, the focus of that experience was recently demolished, which prompted me to write down my memories to pay tribute, and at the same time to tell what the doctor went through during his training before becoming a specialist doctor ».
The correlation between human rights and this narrative is very relevant to the author knowing that: “The message of this book is to share this story behind the scenes of the hospital, which is not known by everyone, and to remember that there is a human being behind this doctor.” Noting that “We cannot talk about the right to health and patients without addressing the humanity of the physician who is the main actor in this national public health scene.”
+ «Human rights, 75 years later» +
Following the presentation of the first book, the first debate of the CNDH stand at the 28th edition of the SIEL, was under the theme «75 years after the Universal Declaration of Human Rights».
This topic, moderated by Mr. Abdelhafid Adminou, which focused on the universality of human rights, was discussed by two quality speakers, the former Director General of the Higher Institute of the Judiciary Mr. Mohamed Said Bennani, and Mr. Mohammed Abdelwahab Rafiqi, researcher in Islamic studies.
Mr. Rafiqi stressed after the discussion that: This debate had as an essential question how to reconcile universal values and national identity, and would that be possible? In my opinion, there are basic approaches to reconcile them.”
According to the researcher, these approaches are: “To consider universal values as a human heritage and to consider the objectives of Islamic law instead of considering the textual reading that leaves us with problems and expects us to clash and conflict with universal values.”
+ “Ants in the mouth” +
To close this day rich in exchanges, the Council stand offered visitors to the Book Fair a reading of the work of Khadi Hane, Senegalese writer and woman of letters, who presented his book «Ants in the mouth», accompanied by French-Moroccan journalist and writer Mr. Ouadih Dada in his capacity as moderator.
This novel published by Éditions le Fennec, for which she received the 2012 Thyde Monnier Prize from the Société des Gens de lettres, the Senegalese describes with bitterness the difficult freedom of an African woman living in France.
Khadi Hane, stressed that: “In this book, I’m bringing several stories of immigrant women from Black Africa who live in Paris, who have their stories each, to a single woman I called Khadija like me, so this woman becomes much more interesting.”
He added, “It also allows us to go up how, where and why women are faced with a lot of difficulties and problems such as culture clash, environmental clash and anonymity.”
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