Amazigh journalist and TV presenter Lahbib Laasri published a book on Moroccan-African relationships through the media

Moroccan – African relationships through the media, is the title of a new book published by Lahbib Laasri, journalist at SNRT (government-owned radio and TV national company).

In his book, Laassi talks about the evolution of relationships between Morocco and African countries shedding light on the most important events that have marked the Moroccan Kingdom’s relations with its African background and how the media and journalism have accompanied and contributed to make those relationships known to public opinion

The book includes 420 pages and two major chapters: “The role of the media and archives of events which have marked relationships between Morocco and Africa 1959-1981”; and “The media in accompanying Moroccan – African relationships in light of development of the first national cause 1980-2017”.

King Hassan II was one of the founders of OAU in 1963 in Addis Ababa

In his book, the author has focused on the role played by Alaouite dynasty kings in the edification, the continuity and reinforcement of relationships between Morocco and Africa starting with late king Mohammed V, who has led the project of Africa’s liberation movement from colonialism.

Judging that Morocco’s independence would not be complete without that of other African countries, he has therefore played an important role along with late king Hassan II in the birth of the idea of African Unity, late king Hassan II was one of the founders of OAU in 1963 in Addis Ababa, after a series of preparatory conferences about that event.

That union ambition has been challenged following the conspiracy against the kingdom’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, when Morocco’s foes have allowed to an entity with neither territory nor sovereignty to become member of OAU even before Morocco withdrew from it; while maintaining exceptional bilateral relationships with many friendly and brotherly African countries.

Morocco has privileged economic approach to strengthen Moroccan – African relationships”

Author Laasri has leant on the new era of King Mohammed VI, who has known how to capitalize on gains being achieved in Morocco’s links with its African background, while opting for a relevant strategy in the relationships with African continent.

Morocco has privileged economic approach to reinforce Moroccan – African relationships and has opened to even countries which oppose its territorial integrity, by developing win-win partnerships, a strategy judged as fruitful and which has permitted the kingdom to find its place in OAU fold back in 2017.

In his book, Laasri has revealed the follow up that has been reserved to those historical events by the media and its contribution to defend national issues, particularly the Moroccan Sahara cause, and some other stakes pertaining to Africa such as regional development and fight against poverty which Morocco defends at various international forums.

To underline that and to tackle that topic, the author has dedicated an entire chapter to clarifying journalism input to history.

Lahbib Laasri, has also published a book on the future of public TV at the new era of digital technology; he has accumulated a large professional experience at SNRT after he has benefited from many training programs in the U.S., China, Italy and Egypt. He has also won many awards and prizes in the media and journalism.

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