Videos / SIEL2022 – Morocco : «Abolition of death penalty» in the core of the CNDH stand’s debate
The eighth day of the CNDH stand activities at the 27thsession of the international book fair has debated during its first session the topic: “Morocco at the African space: A way towards the abolition of death penalty”.
“Death penalty” or “capital punishment” is a sentence expected by law to execute a person who has been recognized as guilty for a “capital crime”.
The stand’s activity was organized within the framework of steps undertaken by the CNDH to bring Moroccan authorities to vote in favor of the moratorium to ratify second protocol about international treaty on civic and political rights.
Concerning the very important debate on the right to life, Mrs. Amina Bouayach NHRC President has stated in a speech that “The importance of this workshop, is first to follow up the debate on abolition of death penalty, which is a conviction of the CNDH, and second to play down the debate, because the Council struggles and reacts for the fact that justice should not be a murder justice”.
+ A way towards the abolition of death penalty +
In a statement to, Mr. Raphael Chenuil-Hazan, General Director of the Group against death penalty has confirmed: “Morocco has not executed (any criminal) since 27 years.. It should abolish it knowing that 80% of African countries have done so”.
It’s worth noting that Morocco is on the track of abolition since the presentation of resolutions adopted by Equity and Reconciliation body to King Mohammed VI. Many observers consider that the Kingdom has engaged on the right track since the last execution back in 1993.
According to Mr. Aberrahim Jamai, a senior lawyer and coordinator of the Moroccan coalition against death penalty: “this workshop was an opportunity for me to present Moroccan expertise, guided by the coalition”, for Mr. Jamai, there remains only a “last step” to bring this practice to its end.
+ “Draw me abolition” +
Following the debate, pupils and students have pled for the right of life and have expressed their feelings through arts painting in a workshop entitled “draw me abolition”.
According to Mr. Yousef Saadoun, the arts – painter who has moderated the workshop, the goal is « to bring children, young people, pedagogical teams and artists to participate in a project with a civic scope and which challenges their imagination, their critical mind and which calls them to ask questions, by bringing them information, knowledge and reflections incentives to broaden perspectives of understanding of death penalty as an important social issue”.
In a statement, Ms. Aya Amrani Jamali, student at the Higher School of Fine Arts in Casablanca, has underlined that the workshop was a space “where we have practiced freedom of expression concerning this subject through arts”.
+ For valuation of Judeo-Moroccan heritage +
To close its eighth day of activities at the international book fair, the CNDH stand has proposed a presentation on the topic “valuation of the Judeo-Moroccan heritage”.
Various speakers, including Mr. Abdelkader Retnani, editor of the crossroads, Mr. Mohamed Hassani Ameziane, architect and expert in restoration of monuments, and Mr. Mohamed Kamal, photographer, everyone from his own perspective, based on his personal experience and his job on the subject, have brought their own view on the issue of valuation of Jewish heritage in Morocco.
In his statement, Mohamed Hassani Amerziane has witnessed to have achieved many works of restoration of historical monuments, including the Old Merinid School, Ramparts of Chellah, two synagogues in Fes and Bayt Dakirain Essaouira, noting that: “Fortunately today, Morocco undertakes many restoration projects, which is an important way to safeguard Judeo-Moroccan heritage”.
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