HM the King Congratulates Abdellatif Ouahbi on His Election as Secretary General of PAM
HM King Mohammed VI sent a congratulatory message to Abdellatif Ouahbi on the occasion of his election as secretary general of the Authenticity and Modernity Party (PAM).
In this message, the Sovereign expressed his congratulations to Ouahbi and wished him every success in the accomplishment of his new partisan missions, stressing that his election at the head of PAM General Secretariat reflects the trust placed in him by the members of this political group, thanks to his commitment to defend the principles of the party, his proven competence and experience as well as his unfailing attachment to the constant values of the Nation.
These qualities “qualify you to make every effort to strengthen PAM’s responsible presence on the party scene and consolidate its contribution, like other serious national parties and the living forces of the Nation”, in order to participate actively in meeting the challenges of the new stage that Morocco is about to enter with determination, on the basis of the principles of responsibility, while maintaining the primacy of the supreme interests of the country and its citizens, says His Majesty.
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