Revolution of the King and the People: HM the King Pardons 262 People
On the occasion of the anniversary of the Revolution of the King and the People, HM King Mohammed VI granted his pardon to 262 people sentenced by the different Moroccan courts, said a statement by the ministry of justice. According to the same source, 217 inmates had their prison terms reduced.
The free beneficiaries of the pardon are 45 and are divided into:
– 6 inmates who benefited from pardon over their remaining prison terms. – 7 people who benefited from pardon over their imprisonment terms while their fines were maintained.
– 1 inmate who benefited from pardon over his prison terms and fines as well. – 31 people had their fines annulled.
Royal pardon is customary in the North African Kingdom to mark national and religious holidays.
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