A guide of “Artistic Action in the Public Space” was presented today in Casablanca at the initiative of “Le Forum des Alternatives Maroc” (FMAS). The guide was conceived on the basis of meetings and workshops with artists and promoters of street shows. Its editors have capitalised on field practices and academic expertise that have a link with the issues of law of artistic gatherings in the public space in Morocco.
It was realised in the form of comics and visuals that popularise access to the public space for artists. It also proposes good practices to adopt and pitfalls to avoid by artists wanting to invest street art. This iconoclastic project has been supported by the Al Mawrid Attaqafi and Touria and Abdelaziz Tazi Foundations.
For some times now, places like the United Nations Square in Casablanca have seen the arrival of young street musicians.
To the happiness of Casablanca’s inhabitants, these artists offer an animation that fills a flagrant cultural gap.
“Racines association” is one of the associations that have worked a lot on this issue. His flagship survey on “Cultural practices in Morocco” revealed several findings: institutions without adequate offers, very low attendance of cultural events … Moreover, “the budget of culture (…) is far from the goal of 1% of the general budget advocated by UNESCO “, recognises the Ministry of Culture in its 2012-2016 report. Culture is only entitled to an insignificant 0.2% in the state budget.
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